Level 3: Benefit in Kind
Application of PAYE/PRSI & the USC, and how to determine the relevant value for Benefit In Kind. Updated with Budget details.
1. Introduction to Benefit In Kind (BIK)
- What is BIK?
- What does it mean?
- How does it work?
- Exceptions to the Rule (What items have no Tax Liability?)
- What can be given to employees without BIK liabilities?
- Exceptions to the rules. Travel Pass, Bicycle Allowance, Small Benefits, etc.
- Efficient payment of items, staff discounts.
- Records required by the Employer
2. Application of PAYE/PRSI/USC
- How it all works?
- How to apply the different charges Tax/PRSI/USC
- How to determine the applicable value (Notional Pay)
- Records Required for Revenue
3. General Valuations
- What to do with miscellaneous items?
- Determine the value of the BIK on miscellaneous items
- Mobile Phones, Phone Credit, Laptops, Medical Insurance,
- Home Expenses, Club Membership, use of company assets, etc.
4. Company Cars
- Standard BIK formulas for existing cars
- What to do and how much to charge?
- CO2 BIK formulas for new cars.
- Pool Car’s, Car Allowances, Motoring Expenses
- Change of Car over the course of the year.
- Required Records
5. Company Vans
- What to do and how much to charge?
- BIK formula for private use of Vans
- Rules for limit use with BIK exemption
- Pool Van, Van Allowance, Motoring Expenses
- Change of Van over the course of the year.
- Required Records
6. Share based Remuneration (What’s that now?)
- What is it & does it effect and how?
- Employee PRSI & USC liable.
- Employer PRSI & PAYE liable?
- Records required?
7. Preferential Loans (Cheap loans?)
- Defining a Preferential Loan
- Determining the relevant rate, home loan or standard loan.
- Determining the cost for both the employer and the employee
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