Payroll can be a very daunting, complicated and difficult ordeal, but with a good payroll training course it does not need to be like that.
Once a broad understanding of all aspects of payroll is taken on, payroll can actually be a relatively simple and systematic process. However, to achieve this broad understanding by yourself requires persistence and a significant investment in time That is why Payroll Matters has developed their payroll courses, in order to minimise your time spent on learning and to maximise your full comprehension and application requirements for all aspects of payroll in Ireland.
The one constant factor that is consistent with every payroll year is change. Payroll is forever evolving, whether the change is based on new legislation, regulation, or requirements for new information. Payroll Matters offers payroll courses with full and up-to-date information on all relevant topics, from understanding PAYE, PRSI, Universal Social Charge, payroll legislation, management of payroll systems, Benefit In Kind etc.
Each of our courses is designed in such a way that learning about payroll becomes easy and the teaching format avoids any complicated speech. The only words generally needed in payroll are the following:
- “Taxable Pay” – pay liable for tax known as Pay As You Earn (PAYE)
- “PRSI’able Pay” – pay liable for PRSI (Social Insurance and the Health Levy)
- “USC’able Pay” – pay that is liable for the Universal Social Charge
Any other specific terminology that needs to be used is kept to an absolute minimum and everyday language is what is mostly applied.
Because we are also practicing payroll consultants our payroll training courses are constantly being updated with current legislation requirements. The courses are available throughout Ireland in carefully selected venues for ease of access for a wider population. Our courses are all full day courses and run from 9.30am to 5 pm. All materials and training equipment needed is provided on the day. In addition we provide lunch and tea/coffee breaks during the day.
If you want to find out about payroll courses’ times, materials and/or venues, please visit our website or contact us directly on 01-4853596.